
“long、long ago……(很久很久以前)”打开影片,一个出自男子之口的英语画外音当即响起,同时一行英文字幕出现,大意是“很久很久以前,在一所小房子里住着三个人,包括一对姐妹和姐姐的老公,他们生活得很幸福,直到有一天,房子里来了一个胖和尚……”随后,熟悉的旋律响起,...

In some countries,parents expect their children to spend a long time studying both in and after school and have less free time.What are the positive and negative effects on children and the society they live in? 雅思写作范文-版本1 开头段 ...

Your Time is Yours. 永恒有多短 一瞬间就有多长 CigaLong Time Collection 时间系列全新上线 OurBrief Eternity 你我的须臾永恒 逆转时空 穿梭宇宙 //Time行星项链 当一颗行星上出现了...

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